A 30kw or over solar energy system is known as commercial solar package systems. The solar system is the same principles of application as residential solar systems which provide power for commercial buildings and applications such as remote traffic controls, telecommunications, oil and gas industries, municipal facilities, restaurants, schools, factories, shops, and warehouses. Commercial solar grid-tie inverters matched with arrays of larger wattage solar panels and Power travels from the inverter to the electrical service panel at the breaker box, then distributed to electrical loads throughout the facility. Excess power produced by the solar panels flows into the grid through your electric meter, results in the meter run backward and gaining your business credit with the utility company. Here in the commercial Solar package system panels are mounted on a roof structure or on the grounds of the commercial facility, or another user in the roof structure over a parking lot. There is a wide variety of power levels of inverter used in the Commercial Solar system which can save you considerable money and greatly accelerate your Return on Investment. There is an agreement between you and your utility company about Net metering which states that the utility company will credit your account for excess electricity produced and fed into the utility grid.Nowadays, the Commercial solar sector is very much competitive especially in the case of cost reduction, many modern organizations like google, apple, and other brands are altering to solar electricity rather than a traditional source of electricity. Solar power can be used in offices, restaurants, schools, factories, shops, warehouses regardless of the size and need of the organization.Investors and customers get positively impressed by any sustainable approach from firms so why not be sustainable!
Government Tariffs – The government is subsidizing the solar installations, not only that, there are other opportunities like FEED-IN-TARIFFS which actually pay you to return your unused electricity to the grid for others use.
Minimum probability of electricity break down – Having a commercial solar package source of your own firm is like having the real power upon the operations. By taking SOLAR WORLD POWER Tire 1 advanced technology products will let you have seamless sourcing of power not depending on the traditional source.
Cost Reduction – Our warranty policy of 25 years of panel warranty ensures your maintenance cost to almost zero. Not only that you will also find many zero interest finance options while financing for solar energy panels.
Green Image – Investors and Customers value those who have some sustainable and green image in operation. A 60 kW commercial solar package capacity panel can reduce the risk of emitting 80 tons of carbon into the atmosphere. Having a green image helps your corporation to have a loyal customer base too.