6.6kW Solar System In Sydney, Pricing and ROI

Australian homes are becoming more popular with the best 6.6kw solar system.  Because of 6.6kW solar systems cost comparatively low its payback period, energy production, Small roof space to install, and other benefits. 6.6kW solar systems approval is easy for connecting to the grid. It can generate enough energy for the average Australian household. Average Australian house use between 20KW to 25KW per day, if you consume that amount of electricity then a 6.6kw solar system is perfect for you.

6.6kw-solar-system sydney

How Many Panels For A 6.6kW System

A 6.6 kW system typically consists of between 20 and 24 solar panels. For a 6.6 kW system, the number of panels required varies depending on the panel’s size and efficiency of the panels. If you use highly efficient 370 Watt panels, you will only need 18 of them, whereas LG NeON® H+ Black premium 405w solar panel will require 17 even you will get a 6.8 kW solar system instead of 6.6 kW.

6.6kW roof Space

How Much Roof Space Is Required For a 6kW/6.6kW Solar Power System?

In general, a panel measuring approximately 1.8 meters x 1 meter, around 29 square meters of the suitable rooftop will be required for a 6kW solar power system installation (or a bit more than 32 square meters for 6.6kW). Here’s a general idea of how much space 6kW occupies, based on 370 watt panels.

Panel Orientation For A 6.6kW Solar System

In NSW, it’s better to position your panels to the north if you have the option. If you install your solar panels to the north, that will give the maximized power production. Even whether your panels face east or west, your system is likely to be effective, especially if your household consumes a vast portion of its electricity during the morning and evening peak periods.

6.6kW solar system

How Much Electricity Generation Can I Expect From A 6.6kW System

A 6.6kw solar system should provide about 26kwh of electricity per day though it depends on some factors such as installation location, solar panel orientation, solar panel quality, and good quality inverter. This 26kwh is more than the average Australian household needs daily.

Remember that you will get a feed-in tariff for any excess electricity you generate, and there will be occasions when the extra energy from a 6.6kW system will go a long way toward lowering those pesky peak-period electricity prices during daylight hours (for example, costs associated with summer air-conditioning). Keep in mind that getting the most out of a system this big necessitates self-consumption.

Solar Panel System Prices In Sydney, NSW


The table below displays the pricing of solar panels in Sydney for various system sizes.

S3500-$5500$ 5200- $7500$6000- $9000

Approximate Cost of the solar system without battery.

To get a rough idea of ​​the price of the solar system mentioned here. The final price of a system depends on several factors. There are different types of solar panel brands in the market, and there are many differences in their prices. We have the same experience in the case of solar inverters, there are many good band inverters in the market as well as medium-quality and somewhat low-quality inverters. And the price and the difference between these can be noticed. So the final price of the solar panel depends on your choice. The “Solar world power” provides a free quote, you can ask for an obligation-free quote on solar if you want. You can also ask for any solar-related services


Savings & Payback Period Of A 6.6kW Solar System

Households often use a portion of the solar energy they generate and transmit the remains into the grid to receive a feed-in tariff. Higher rates of self-consumption result in faster payback times. Because grid electricity costs more than the feed-in tariff. Self-consume solar power is better than exporting it back which means sale back to the grid. You buy per unit of electricity much higher rate from the grid than exporting your solar electricity to the grid. In Sydney per unit electricity feed-in tariff will cost .25$ whereas when you export your produced electricity to the feed they give you, the name is just a price, only .05$. A small solar power system may have better self-consumption and a shorter payback time, but it will save less money on electricity overall. As a result, lowering the size of a system to achieve a faster payback period is typically a false economy that leaves you wishing you had installed a larger system from the start. Self-consumption varies by household, but those with 6.5 kilowatt solar systems utilize roughly 20% of the solar electricity generated on average, so I’ll use that statistic.

Solar Rebates From The Federal Government

All ACt residents are eligible to get a rebate on solar from the Federal government. You will get an incentive when you install solar system components approved by Clean Energy Council. The Installer should also be listed in Clean Energy Council.  For a 6.6kW system, you may be eligible for a $3,585 incentive.  Here the rebate is already included in the amount that we offered. Feed-in tariffs are paid to ACT residents who export excess solar energy back to the grid.

6.6kW Solar Panel's Yearly Productivity, Self-consumption & Feed-in Tariff

System CapacityEnergy Produce Per Day Avg. 4hours Production cycleYearly Energy productionSelf-consumption


40% on net Production

Export to Grid 60% on net production
6.6kw6.6X4= 26.4kw26.4kwX 365days




Grid Vs Feed-in Tariff Rate in Sydney:

Grid Per Unit CostFeed-in tariff Per Unit Cost
0.25$0.07 to 0.10$

Payback Calculation:

Yearly Production of 6.6Kw Solar systemEnergy ConsumptionValue of Production
            8672kwSelf-consumption 40% on Production


Yearly  3854kw X.25$

Export to Grid 60% on production


Yearly  5782kw X 0.07$ to 0.10$

405$ to 1542$
                                                                    Total Save :1369$ to 2025$


If you purchase a 6.6kw solar system from the Solar World Power @ 3500$ your Payback period within 1.72 Years to 2.55 years So it is possible to get a good economic benefit from a solar system. Especially 6.6 kW ‍ is an ideal system for small to medium families. 6.6 kW system significantly reduces your power bill, which you will enjoy for the next 20 to 25 years.

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